CollabVM Wikia/The Man

Revision as of 23:22, 20 March 2016 by (talk)

The Man is a currynigger jewish cuck forkie who frequently comes on CollabVM to disturb the peaceful population. He works for the Fun Police

File:3424376832 c95fd37ac7.jpg
only known captured photo of this mythical beast

Typically he will act like a nigger and do one of the following things:

  • Delete System32. (He likes to do that el oh el)
  • Make retarded plots to get Dartz' house raided by the FBI.
  • Impersonate other people
  • Post collab-vm onto 4chan because he wants to be surrounded by kids with Autisim
  • Act like a retard
  • Be a nigger like CHOCOLATEMAN
  • Shut down to reset
  • Insult the worst nigger called CHOCOLATEMAN