Hildaboo is part of a series on safe users.

[Egypt Forever!]

Most Safest User


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Cool Admin.

Pisses off forkies.


Your computer now is mine, Why? Because I didn't had nothing to do and I thought, why not make the evil? Remember NOW YOUR PC IS IN MY POWER Hildaboo Rocks! I can stand it! Hildaboo has always rocked. Wake up people! He's a good admin! You don't need to listen to Andrej with his "HILDABOO IS FECES" talk. You need to listen to me. Hildaboo continuingly makes CollabVM a better place by banning the 10 year olds that inhabit CollabVM. The latest retard doesn't stand a chance against the godsend that is Hildaboo, and therefore being owned and banned, making CollabVM a better place. Also, he's a memeber, making him even cooler than he already is! A hidden perk not mentioned at all. It's part of the godsend that is Hildaboo. Capitalism Sucks! Communism Sucks. KILLERGUATE.