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CollabVM Wikia/Services.exe

From CollabVM Wiki, the horrible, autism-inducing, trash filled wiki, featuring people who can't speak English
Revision as of 23:01, 20 March 2016 by computernewb>CHOCOLATEMAN69 (Created page with "'''services.exe''' is a well known virus in Collab VM. It was a RAT ran in December 2015  that embedded itself into the QEMU firmware. So every time a reset happens it comes ...")
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services.exe is a well known virus in Collab VM. It was a RAT ran in December 2015  that embedded itself into the QEMU firmware. So every time a reset happens it comes back. It is highly recommended to kill this through Task Manager as the person who controls the RAT is a fucking currynigger. Due to coding in the RAT it cant be done through taskkill