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User talk:Shitscop more like fuck

From CollabVM Wiki, the horrible, autism-inducing, trash filled wiki, featuring people who can't speak English
Revision as of 18:23, 29 May 2022 by import>Lumpy HTF

Latest comment: 29 May 2022 by Lumpy HTF in topic Remember kids, pay attention in history class.
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sup cab --UnDeFiSHiN69 (talk) 15:13, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

9 + 10 --crackhead manager v1.0 (talk) 15:14, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
19, No joke intended here. --Mv (talk) 15:18, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Really? (((11 - -5) % (10 - -5)) + (10 - -5)) % (10 - -5) + -5 (% is modulo) --crackhead manager v1.0 (talk) 15:24, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
No need to force people with your stupid jokes, this is serious business. --Mv (talk) 15:27, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
i literally asked you a math problem, you didnt even try to answer, what can there possibly be serious in the first place --crackhead manager v1.0 (talk) 15:28, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
You are not my math teacher. --Mv (talk) 15:31, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
while that is true, you arent even trying to prove that you're smart? either way, what even do you want --crackhead manager v1.0 (talk) 15:33, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Nothing. --Mv (talk) 15:34, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
well that was pretty predictable --crackhead manager v1.0 (talk) 15:35, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Remember kids, pay attention in history class.

In the past, I annoyingly advertised "Localclock.js", which got me cancelled off the site for a few months.

You repeated the same mistake, except this time, with "HiAsm", something that you didn't even make.

Remember, this is a website for 4chan users to anonymously harass people for minor reasons and develop a snowflake persona without any risk of consequences, disguised as a wiki.

Can't say it's Dartz fault though.

If you have to think if this will piss off the wiki, then you probably shouldn't do it at all.

--Lumpy HTF (talk, contribs) 18:22, 29 May 2022 (UTC)Reply