HiAsm/Comparing HiAsm with other things
This page was revised to compare HiAsm with other programming languages which actually have some sort of established reputation. This is done to prove HiOnHeroinAsm should not be used for anything ever, and if you do, you're a babbling retard.
A lot of people use other languages other than HiAsm.
An actual comparison, written by actual programmers.
HiAsm really fucking sucks. Learn C++, C#, or another real language, ignore the HiOnCocainaAsm shilling, and move on.
Please don't learn pascal for fucks sake, we aren't in 1992 anymore. If you want to make DOS software using C or C++ (which is an up to date language that's properly maintained unlike Pascal), use DJGPP.
Even BASIC is better than HiAsm, but its not 1981 anymore so please dont learn that either
Java is also slightly better but its also not 2003 anymore so don't learn that either, please learn a real language like either C++ or C# or whatever Cool language is out there.
COBOL is better than HiOnCocaineAsm. At least people wanna learn it!
Also, due to the way you code in HiAsm, you can't use your common sense and port your HiAsm syntax when learning other languages.
Also, a """programming language""", featured in the game called "Game Builder Garage" with a similiar syntax at least has "labels" on its "nodons", so you know where to connect the wires/cords together. Still not the best language, but it's still easier than HiAsm. but that's because its a kids game
There is no "standard" toolchain, there's no shitty ass Pascal, and you can interop with literally anything that exists.
Because it's not locked to any specific platform, you can build code for:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac
- Any POSIX compatible OS (See: SerenityOS, and other POSIX-compatible OSes)
- Even the MSX! (which keep in mind has an Z80 (or R800 if it's an TurboR) microprocessor and isn't even x86 based hardware!)
- KolibriOS [1]
- To expand on top of non-x86 based hardware, there is a (old) os called Dec OSF-1, for systems based on the MIPS and ALPHA architectures, and Dec OSF-1 is based on Unix, and Unix is coded in C (and assembly), so that therotically means you can code in C/C++ on MIPS and ALPHA based systems! :D
- (...or better yet) Freestanding!
- Any OS (or architecture) with a C/C++ compiler ported to it (which means near infinite portability!)
- .NET (with either a homebrew C compiler, lcc .NET patches, or MSVC C++CLI (which can be C CLI with a undocumented flag))
With one source tree, provided you're not a braindead retard.
You can even build your own freestanding code, use hardware directly to your advantage properly and build an OS kernel.
The .NET runtime runs on pretty much every relevant platform:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac (by extension it might work with bsds)
It also allows for ahead of time compilation to native code for maximum performance like C/C++, coming as a supported feature in .NET 7.
This AOT feature can technically be used to create freestanding .NET code as well.
So C# kicks the ass of HiOnCrackAsm too. Wow.
Like C++ there is no graphical shoehorned tooling. Only IDEs built on top of Roslyn and .NET.
- Runs on more platforms then HiAsm could ever wish to run on, which includes (but not limited to)...
- TRS-80 Model III
- Commodore 16
- BBC Micro
- Apple IIe
- Commodore VIC-20
- Toshiba HX-10D
- Commodore PET
- Amstrad CPC 6128
- Enterprise 128
- IBM PC 5150
- Sinclair ZX81
- Commodore Plus-4
- TI-99/4A
- Sinclair ZX80
- And more! :D
- Included in ROM in most 80s/90s computers.
- Is at least syntactically understandable (because it was designed to be)
- Probably manages to run faster too in some cases
- Got many adaptations and upgrades since the creation of it, one being AMOS Basic.
COBOL actually works and still gets updates. At least people are willing to learn it, unlike HiAsm.
The star of the show: HiOnHeroinInjectionsAsm
- Only runs on Windows (except for HiAsm 5[2][3])
- Uses a dead language (Pascal) as its implementation language (HiAsm 5 uses C++ but since 5 still has forced tooling, it's still horrible.)
- Has forced graphical tooling
- >Block coding
- Has a home-brewed IR which is terrible to write
- No CLI utilities for building (HiAsm 5 apparently has?[4][5])
- Russian only, has an "English" translation that doesn't fully translate the program (one unofficial translation was available)
And also you can write a simple hello world with virtually no effort in C++.
So yeah. Pretty much it. Compared to even COBOL this is terrible. Fuck, even COBOL probably has better CI tooling than HiAsm.
Summary (that you probably got to anyways)
So yeah, the natural conclusion, which shouldn't be surprising to anyone is that HiOnCrackAsm sucks total rat dicks. The end.
- Want something that runs fast? C++
- Want something that can run on other platforms drag and drop? Java
- Want something that can be transpiled to different languages easily? Haxe
- Want a modernish and OOP oriented language? C#
- Want a language that's not that hard? Python to get you started with actual programming, and JavaScript to get a hold of the syntax commonly seen in other languages.